Major services delivered by the organization
Agriculture statistics
- Main Season Post Harvest Crop production Sample Survey
- Short Season/Belg/ Crop production Sample Survey
- Main Season Farm Management Practice Sample Survey
- Main Season Land Utilization Sample Survey
- Livestock, Poultry, Beehives Inventory/Enumeration & Milk, Eggs & Honey Production Survey
- Crop and Livestock Products Utilization Sample Survey
- Agricultural Sample Enumeration/ Census/
- Rural Area Panel Socio Economic Sample Survey
- Large and Medium Scale Commercial Farms Survey
- Floriculture Farms Sample Survey
- Fishery Statistics Sample Survey
- Pastoralist Area Socio Economic and livestock inventory /enumeration sample Survey
- Urban Agriculture Sample Survey
- Agricultural Cost of production Sample Survey
- Dry Season Irrigation Practice, Crop production & Farm Management Practice Sample Survey
- Permanent, Vegetable and Root crops Yield Sample Survey
- Mobile Team Grain Crops Crop-Cutting Exercise Sample Survey
- Feed the Future (FTF) Survey
- Productive Safety net Program survey (PSNP)
- Agricultural Growth Program (AGP)
- Agricultural Inputs Index
- Agricultural Producers Price Survey
Household survey and price statistics
- Monthly Agricultural products producer’s price survey report
- Monthly Agricultural products producer’s price index of Agricultural products(PPI-A)
- Retail price of good and service report
- Consumer price index (CPI)
- Harmonized consumer price index for COMESA (HCPI-COMESA)
- Monthly common users item price survey in Addis Ababa
- Household consumption and expenditure survey (HCES)
- Welfare monitoring survey (WMS)
- National labour force survey
- Urban employment and unemployment survey
- Time use survey
- National child labour survey
Business statistics
- Large and Medium Scale Manufacturing Industry Survey
- Large and Medium Scale Industries IT Application Survey
- Micro and Small Scale manufacturing Industry Survey
- Producers Price Index of manufacturing Industries Quarterly Survey
- Large and Medium Scale Industries Quarterly Survey
- Industrial index for production
- Index for competitive performance (manufacturing sector)
- Statistical Business Registration Implementation
- Contract Construction Survey
- Micro and Small scale Construction Sector Survey
- Distributive Trade Survey
- Hotel and Restaurant Survey
- Micro and Small scale Service Sector Survey
- Mining and Quarrying Survey
- Preparation and production of import and export index
- Import and Export Trade Statistics Compilation
- Tourism arrival and departure compilation
- Tourism statistical survey (Business-based)
- Transport and Communication Statistics Compilation
- Potable Water Treatment and Distribution Statistics Compilation
Population and census statistics
- Demographic and Health Survey (DHS)
- Population and Housing Census
- Dissemination of Population and Housing Census Results
- Population Projection
- Vital Statistics Compilation
- Post Census Survey
- Documentation of Agricultural Census & Surveys
Cartography and GIS
- Shape files and prepares Enumeration Area (EA) maps for governmental and non-governmental organizations.
- Study area maps for researchers from different institutions.
- Different thematic maps on request.
- Capacity building training on GIS, Cartography and GPS for different users – especially regional offices.
- Different Atlases.
- EA maps for different CSA surveys.
Activities Relating to Information and Dissemination
- Publications of survey reports are sent to federal and regional government offices and higher education and research institutions for free.
- Survey results are uploaded to the Agency website
- Report copies and publications are available in the Agency library for all users who visit the office.
- There are also copies of survey reports on sale in the Agency
- The raw data can be bought from the Agency;
- The Agency provides training, workshops and press releases about its overall activities, studies, surveys conducted, and their importance and objectives.